During its April 2008 Foreclosure Prevention workshop, the Florida Housing Coalition explored evidence that the “assisted” low income homebuyers receiving downpayment and closing cost subsidy have, for the most part, remained unaffected by the recent wave of foreclosures. The following brief audio and video recordings highlight some key topics from the workshop. A powerpoint and handouts that accompany the recordings are available by emailing chaney@flhousing.org.
Click on the links below (it takes a minute to load) to listen to:
1. A review of the policies and assistance provided to Assisted Buyers to help them avoid foreclosure even before purchase. Education and counseling, lenders guidelines, affordability criteria, and subordination policies are all discussed. Click HERE: http://cdn4.libsyn.com/chaneyhousing/The_Assisted_Homebuyer_AVOIDING_Foreclosure.mp3
2. A summary of key elements of a SHIP Foreclosure Prevention strategy to help those currently facing foreclosure. This recording also includes a review of a current bill in the 2008 Florida Legislative Session that could further help SHIP jurisdictions. Click HERE: http://cdn2.libsyn.com/chaneyhousing/How_SHIP_helps_those_facing_Foreclosure.mp3
3. A discussion of how current and future Assisted Buyers are affected by the Credit Crunch that has resulted from the foreclosure crisis. Click HERE: http://cdn2.libsyn.com/chaneyhousing/The_Future_Assisted_Buyer.mp3
The Florida Housing Coalition plans to offer two relevant trainings in the second half of 2008. Sign up for the waiting list for either or both events by sending an email request to Pam Davis at pamiam@flhousing.org.
1. First, the one day Foreclosure Prevention workshop will be offered again.
2. The Coalition also teaches a 5 Day class to become a certified Housing Counselor. This course was developed by Neighborworks America and is entitled “Housing Counseling Certification: Principles, Practices and Techniques”. It offers the skills, procedures and content needed to help counselors create new homeowners. Once a counselor completes this course, passes the final exam, and attends a separate class on Foreclosure Prevention, he or she will be awarded a full certification in Housing Counseling from Neighborworks America and the Florida Housing Coalition. There is a $875 registration fee to attend.
The beginning of the workshop was filmed. The following video shorts review some factors that have caused the current foreclosure crisis.
Part 1: Buyers and Lenient Lenders
Part 2: Subprime Loans
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