Tuesday, September 8, 2009
ANNUAL REPORT Update: Don’t Forget Certification Forms
The first certification form is very straight forward. It certifies the accuracy of the annual report. The second certification form addresses the implementation of regulatory reform activities. This form is one main method that Florida Housing uses to document a jurisdiction’s compliance with the requirement to implement a minimum of two “incentive strategies”.
Section 67-37.019 (5) of the SHIP Rule outlines the incentive strategy requirements for all SHIP jurisdictions:
The local government staff or entity with administrative authority for a local housing assistance plan shall provide documented evidence to the Corporation or its designated monitoring agent, that:
(a) Permits, as defined in Sections 163.3164(7) and (8), F.S., for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and
(b) There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption.
These two incentive strategies are often referred to as (a) Expedited Permitting and (b) Ongoing Review. Sections 1 and 2 of the regulatory reform certification are statements to evidence that the jurisdiction has implemented these two incentive strategies.
Section 3 asks for details resulting from your jurisdiction’s ongoing review process. You must report the estimated per unit cost increases for housing construction that have resulted from the creation of any new policies, ordinances, regulations, fees or plans during the most recently completed state fiscal year. In order to complete this form with accurate information, talk with the group or individual in your jurisdiction that performs the “Ongoing Review” responsibility. Ask them about their review process during the 12 months of this last fiscal year. If there have been no new policies to increase costs, enter $0.
Section 4 is very similar to Section 3. Provide the per unit estimated cost increases for rehabilitation activities that have resulted from new local policies, ordinances, regulations and more that were considered during the state fiscal year.
How should your jurisdiction go about estimating how much a particular policy will increase the cost of housing? The SHIP Statute and Rule provide no guidance or method by which a local jurisdiction must determine the cost increase. Such estimates are a local determination, and the jurisdiction should retain back up material to justify the dollar amounts reported on this certification form.
Every jurisdiction must submit their reports by next Tuesday, September 15th. The Coalition is available to help you ‘cross the finish line’ and submit your annual reports. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
ANNUAL REPORT Update: Recent Change Affects Form 4
For each SHIP distribution, you must report details about all program funds that have been expended, including the name and address of each assisted household. The strategy that was used to provide assistance is listed alongside the name of each recipient. Florida Housing has now programmed the web system to total up the expended funds for each strategy. Now, a “Summary by Strategy” total appears at the end of the list of expended funds you have added to Form 4.
There’s a good reason for the change; it allows Florida Housing to review the amount expended per strategy and compare this with what is reported on each strategy line of Form 1. If the expended fund figures do not match, this new improvement may make it easier to identify specifically where the error occurs. For example, consider a jurisdiction that has expended funds on three strategies. The ‘Summary by Strategy’ totals show that the funds expended on Strategies A and B exactly match the figures on the top of Form 1. The total expended for Strategy C, conversely, does not match Form 1, so it is the source of the error. Correcting this report will go quickly since one is able to focus attention on only a portion of the data provided.
A Related Question:
On Form 4, I added an amount of expended funds per strategy that exactly matches the figures reported on Form 1. Yet the Review Tab still shows an error. Specifically, it indicates:
“There are no "Expended Funds" records for the "Homebuyer Assistance" strategy listed under the Distributed Funds' "Home Ownership" section on Form 1.”
Please provide guidance.
The error in this case is caused by the fact that this jurisdiction labeled a strategy “Homebuyer Assistance” on Form 1, but called it “Purchase Assistance” next to the name of each buyer listed on Form 4. In order for Florida Housing’s new programming to work properly, the name of each strategy must be identical on Forms 1 and 4. Pay attention to capitalization, since this also makes a difference. In this case, the jurisdiction decided to change the strategy name on Form 1 to “Purchase Assistance” and the error message disappeared.
Every jurisdiction must submit their reports by September 15th. The Coalition is available to help you ‘cross the finish line’ and submit your annual reports. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
ANNUAL REPORT Update: Achieving Set-Aside Compliance
The SHIP set-aside percentage calculations are not based only on the annual distribution. You must include other revenue sources when calculating set-aside compliance. Compliance with the Homeownership set-aside (65 percent of funds) and the Construction/Rehab set-aside (75 percent of funds) is based on the sum total of the Distribution plus Recaptured Funds. Compliance with the Income Set-aside, on the other hand, is calculated based on the total of all sources of SHIP revenue, including carry forward funds and program income.
Keep in mind the 2009 change to the definition of Recaptured Funds. Starting with the annual reports this year, there will likely be much more program income than recaptured funds reported. Now narrowly defined, recaptured funds are only a repayment that a SHIP jurisdiction receives when it provides SHIP funding for a housing project, but this funding is ultimately not used to assist eligible households.
What happens if you create your 06/07 annual report, only to notice for the first time that you are out of compliance with one or more of the set-asides? What if, for example, you have fully expended your 06/07 funds but have only dedicated 70 percent—rather than the minimum 75 percent required—to the construction/rehab set-aside? The most straight forward solution may be to re-assign assistance expenses between SHIP distributions.
In the case stated above, all 06/07 funds have been expended. It is very likely that a significant amount of the jurisdiction’s 07/08 distribution may also be expended. Identify one or two households assisted with 07/08 funds that comply with the construction/rehab set-aside. Re-assign these expenses to the spreadsheet tracking 06/07 funds. Similarly, re-assign one or two 06/07 cases of set-aside non-compliant assistance to the 07/08 spreadsheet. Determine if this exchange has resulted in enough 06/07 expenses that comply with the set-aside, and re-assign additional 07/08 expenses as needed to achieve set-aside compliance.
The exercise of re-assigning expenses from one SHIP distribution to another is not uncommon. It may also be used to achieve compliance with an expenditure or encumbrance deadline. Whenever an expense is re-assigned to a different distribution, care should be taken to clearly indicate ‘from where’ and ‘to where’ an expense is being re-assigned. In this way, one may still fully reconcile SHIP tracking spreadsheets with the jurisdiction’s general ledger. The example above is a small and simple case of re-assigning funds. If your case is more complicated, call the Florida Housing Coalition for additional guidance as you work to re-assign funds and cure set-aside noncompliance.
There is more to be said about set-aside compliance. Consider reviewing the videos on this topic at the Coalition’s website, http://www.flhousing.org/. On the top pull-down menu for “Local Government and Nonprofit Developer Tools”, select (SHIP) Program Update. These videos are available under the headline “SHIP Annual Report: Training Videos” and are about 7 minutes each.
Every jurisdiction must submit their reports by this September 15th and there is no extension available for submitting them after this date. Start now to ensure their timely completion. Many administrators find that these reports require more of their attention than originally expected.
The Coalition fields questions on a myriad of report-related topics. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
ANNUAL REPORT: One Month to the Deadline
If you have ever created annual reports before, you know that the report is connected to the SHIP tracking spreadsheet your jurisdiction maintains for each SHIP distribution. When they are fully updated, these spreadsheets contain the data you need to complete the annual reports. But where exactly is the spreadsheet data you need for Annual Report Form 1, for Form 2 and for the rest of the report? The answers are illustrated in the following ‘Cheat Sheets’. The Florida Housing Coalition has created a sample report and sample tracking spreadsheet that show how these two documents match up.
As you assemble the data needed to complete your jurisdiction’s annual reports, the documents “Cheat Sheet Annual Report” and “Cheat Sheet Trak SHIP” may help. “Cheat Sheet Trak SHIP” shows where data required on the reports is located on the SHIP tracking spreadsheet designed by the Florida Housing Coalition. The red letters on this document correspond to the red numbers on “Cheat Sheet Annual Report”.
Can you pass the test? Looking at the two cheat sheets, match the proper letters to the numbers. Check your accuracy using “Cheat Sheet KEY”.
Download these documents from the following links:
· “Cheat Sheet Trak SHIP” http://content.screencast.com/users/FL-Coalition/folders/Default/media/1182cc35-ad91-40d5-b354-6aba168fc128/CHEAT%20SHEET%20SHIP%20Tracking%202009.xls?downloadOnly=true
· “Cheat Sheet Annual Report” http://content.screencast.com/users/FL-Coalition/folders/Default/media/7337b938-b3e5-4ae9-a886-ea010862ad94/CHEAT%20Sheet%20Annual%20Report.pdf?downloadOnly=true
· “Cheat Sheet KEY” http://content.screencast.com/users/FL-Coalition/folders/Default/media/fb7cb38c-76cf-4a28-b025-3996b2a58c47/Cheat%20Sheet%20KEY.doc?downloadOnly=true
As you update your SHIP tracking spreadsheets, you may discover that your jurisdiction has not yet expended all the funds in the 06/07 close out distribution. Since SHIP funds must be expended within three years after they are received, how should you proceed?
First, recognize that it is common to have a small amount of unspent SHIP funds from a close out distribution; this is not a violation of the three year expenditure deadline. Whether the amount is $300 or $3000, this small unencumbered amount is insufficient to fully assist the next recipient for any of your strategies. In such a case, you may simply “carry forward” these remaining dollars. The new Web Report will identify these unencumbered funds as the carry forward amount and will automatically add this amount as the carry forward revenue on the 07/08 annual report.
However, consider the case of a jurisdiction that has tens or hundreds of thousands of 06/07 SHIP dollars left to expend. Perhaps the remaining funds are encumbered for projects that are not yet completed and occupied by eligible households. As soon as you discover that you have missed the expenditure deadline, you should request an expenditure deadline extension from Florida Housing. This request must be done in writing. Direct your correspondence to SHIP staff member Terry Auringer.
Your request should include:
The exact amount of funds still encumbered and/or unencumbered, and the number of months for which an extension is requested.
A brief explanation of why these funds have not been expended within the three year deadline. Was there, for example, a lack of contractors or materials, or is the jurisdiction still working to achieve some set-aside compliance?
Outline your plan to expend funds quickly, along with a timeline and estimate of when the funds will be fully expended. Indicate if changes have been made to SHIP strategies to address the delays. If a strategy has not been working, have you redesigned it, replaced it, or reallocated funds to a strategy known to be successful?
You should notify Florida Housing of your situation even if you anticipate that remaining 06/07 encumbered funds will be expended soon and before September 15th. The fact remains that funds were not expended by the June 30th deadline, so Florida Housing should be notified.
A handful of communities may receive extensions for expending their 06/07 funds, but they will still be required to submit a set of annual reports on September 15th. Every jurisdiction must submit their reports by this date, and there is no extension for submitting them after September 15th. Start now to ensure their timely completion. Many administrators find that these reports require more of their attention than originally expected.
The Coalition fields questions on a myriad of report-related topics. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Florida Housing Finance Corporation recently announced one more distribution of funds (4th quarter payment #4) for the 2008-2009 SHIP fiscal year. Since this is the final 08/09 distribution to local governments, Florida Housing has now updated Form 1 of the Web Annual Report to show each jurisdiction’s total 08/09 distribution in the revenue section. Florida Housing has also posted on the SHIP section of their website under ‘SHIP Collections and Disbursements’ a spreadsheet that lists each distribution over the year and each local government’s total.
Even before SHIP administrators have completed all three of their reports, they may need to save or print a copy of the data they have entered. Last month, Florida Housing added a feature on the ‘Review’ tab to ‘click here for a printer-friendly (PDF) copy of this annual report’. The upper right corner of each form also contains this feature, in case you only want to print or save the data from one form. The feature requires users to have Adobe Reader version 8 or above on their computer in order to view or save a report PDF. Fortunately, this product is available for download from the Adobe site for free: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. Once all three reports are completed, this feature allows you to save your reports, a necessity in order to make the reports available for public inspection and comment.
While SHIP jurisdictions have historically started working on their annual reports at the beginning of August, this year several communities are already approaching completion of their reports, including :
Dixie County
Flagler County
Hamilton County
Hardee County
Holmes County
Santa Rosa County
Seminole County
Once a jurisdiction completes and submits its annual reports, its chief elected official must review and sign two certification forms (available for download right on the web report) to mail to Florida Housing. As the SHIP Rule notes: “SHIP forms AR/02-1(approving) & the AR/02-1 Regulatory Certification must be used. The original certifications must be mailed to the corporation within three working days of the report being electronically sent.”
All reports must be submitted by September 15th, so start now to ensure their timely completion. Many administrators find that these reports require more of their attention than originally expected. Furthermore, the online annual report is a new system and the reporting process may be slower than usual as you become familiar with it.
Each year when the September 15th SHIP Annual Report deadline approaches, the Coalition fields questions on a myriad of report-related topics. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.
Monday, June 15, 2009
MORTGAGEE LETTER 2009-15 Using First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credits
To view the document in word format, click here. All mortgagee letters going back to 1976 are available at the HUD Web site.
May 29, 2009
SUBJECT: Using First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credits
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) provides for as much as an $8000 tax credit to qualified first-time homebuyers. FHA supports this important initiative to promote homeownership. This mortgagee letter provides:
· Basic information on the first-time homebuyer credit obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website. Complete information on how the first time homebuyer tax credit works, including the eligibility requirements for the tax credit, the amount of the tax credit that a first-time homebuyer may be eligible to receive, and how a homebuyer may claim the tax credit is available on the IRS website .
· Guidance on how FHA-approved mortgagees and FHA-approved nonprofit organizations as well as Federal, state, and local government agencies or instrumentalities may assist homebuyers that are eligible for the tax credit.
Please check the IRS website to ensure you have up-to-date information. A brief overview of the tax credit from the IRS website and a copy of IRS Form 5405 (including instructions) are attached for reference.
Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3727 and 26 U.S.C. 6402, a refund of the first-time homebuyer credit will be made by the IRS only to the taxpayer, not to a third party. In other words, any refund issued in response to a claim for this credit cannot be assigned by a taxpayer to a third party.
II. FHA Tax Credit Guidance
Secondary Financing
Consistent with existing FHA policy, FHA will permit entities covered by Section 528 of the National Housing Act to use the current authority to offer tax credit advances with second liens in a manner consistent with the requirements in 12 U.S.C. 1709(b)(9). Eligible government agencies and instrumentalities of government are described in handbook HUD-4155.1 5.C3 and 5.C4.
- The tax credit advance, when combined with the FHA-insured first mortgage may not result in cash back to the borrower.
- The second lien may not exceed the total amount needed for the down payment, closing costs, and prepaid expenses.
- Secondary financing may be “soft” (silent) or require a monthly repayment.
- If payments are required, they must be included within the qualifying ratios and, when combined with the first mortgage, cannot exceed the borrower’s reasonable ability to pay.
- Payments must be deferred for at least 36 months to not be included in the qualifying ratios.
- If the tax credit advance loan has a short term for repayment, it must also provide that if the borrower fails to repay by the designated deadline, principal and interest payments begin automatically or the loan converts to a “soft” second.
- The secondary financing may not require a balloon payment before ten years.
Purchase of Tax Credit
FHA-approved mortgagees and FHA-approved nonprofit organizations as well as Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and instrumentalities thereof may purchase the tax credit anticipated by the homebuyer.
- The proceeds of the sale of the tax credit may not exceed the anticipated tax credit due the homebuyer based on the computations of form IRS 5405;
- The borrower must submit a signed certification that the tax credit is not subject to offset due to other indebtedness.
- A copy of the borrower’s tax refund and/or the IRS 5405 must be collected and retained in the FHA case binder.
- Any costs attendant to the purchase of the tax credit are to be nominal and discounting the anticipated credit to cover the costs and expenses of the transaction must be reasonable and disclosed to the homebuyer. In FHA’s view, fees and costs that total more than 2.5% of the anticipated credit are considered excessive. (Example: $6000 to be refunded, with all fees and costs discounted, borrower should receive not less than $5850.00 for sale of tax credit.)
- Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1709(b)(9), the homebuyer’s downpayment required for eligibility for FHA insurance may not consist of any funds (including funds derived from a sale of the homebuyer tax credit) provided by the mortgagee, the seller, or any other person or entity that financially benefits from the transaction (or by any third party or entity that is reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by the financially benefiting person or entity). Accordingly, the proceeds of the sale of the tax credit to FHA approved mortgagees, the seller, or any other person or entity that financially benefits from the transaction (or any third party or entity that is reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by the financing benefiting person or entity), may not be used to meet the 3.5% minimum downpayment, but may be used as additional downpayment, buying down of interest rate, or other closing costs.
Due Diligence
FHA expects that entities purchasing tax credit assets will employ appropriate due diligence measures including, but not limited to:
· Require the homebuyer to draft and provide the IRS form 5405 “First-Time Homebuyer Credit.”
· Contact the borrower’s employer and review pay stubs to confirm there are no outstanding garnishments.
· Review the homebuyer’s credit report to ensure there are no unpaid student loans, or other obligations that could be offset against the credit.
· Validate that all of the eligibility requirements for the tax credit are fulfilled
· Review previous tax returns and IRS tax assessment letters, if any, to determine that the borrower does not have unsettled obligations to the IRS
III. Monitoring
In order to track the tax credit monetization activities, FHA will require FHA-approved mortgagees to input into FHA Connection the following data:
- Name and EIN of the party who purchased the tax credit,
- The amount of the anticipated credit, and
- The amount the homebuyer paid for the monetization services.
The lender must also collect and maintain in the FHA case file the documentation that validates all of the tax credit monetization data submitted via FHA Connection.
FHA will monitor the purchase of tax credit transactions closely. Charging of excessive fees or costs in the purchase of the tax credit or increasing other fees or charges in the transaction without FHA approval may result in referral to the Mortgagee Review Board, and particularly with respect to entities that are not FHA-approved mortgagees, referral to the Federal Trade Commission, or referral to the appropriate State Attorney General office, as may be applicable.
If you have any questions regarding this mortgagee letter, please call FHA’s
Brian D. Montgomery
Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner
Monday, March 2, 2009
Homebuyer Education Training
Become a Better Educator
* Visit other classes
* Build Partnerships
* Keep current on housing guidelines
* Tips about Public Speaking
Tips to Help You E-D-U-C-A-T-E
E- EIGHT is great
D- DON’T advertise it as a class
U- USE unbiased presenters
C- COMPLETE the workshop prior to closing
A- ALL buyers should attend the workshop
T- TAUGHT by a HUD-approved agency
E- ENTERTAIN, including an example of a Role Play