Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The Florida Housing Finance Corporation recently announced one more distribution of funds (4th quarter payment #4) for the 2008-2009 SHIP fiscal year. Since this is the final 08/09 distribution to local governments, Florida Housing has now updated Form 1 of the Web Annual Report to show each jurisdiction’s total 08/09 distribution in the revenue section. Florida Housing has also posted on the SHIP section of their website under ‘SHIP Collections and Disbursements’ a spreadsheet that lists each distribution over the year and each local government’s total.

Even before SHIP administrators have completed all three of their reports, they may need to save or print a copy of the data they have entered. Last month, Florida Housing added a feature on the ‘Review’ tab to ‘click here for a printer-friendly (PDF) copy of this annual report’. The upper right corner of each form also contains this feature, in case you only want to print or save the data from one form. The feature requires users to have Adobe Reader version 8 or above on their computer in order to view or save a report PDF. Fortunately, this product is available for download from the Adobe site for free: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. Once all three reports are completed, this feature allows you to save your reports, a necessity in order to make the reports available for public inspection and comment.

While SHIP jurisdictions have historically started working on their annual reports at the beginning of August, this year several communities are already approaching completion of their reports, including :
Dixie County
Flagler County
Hamilton County
Hardee County
Holmes County
Santa Rosa County
Seminole County
Once a jurisdiction completes and submits its annual reports, its chief elected official must review and sign two certification forms (available for download right on the web report) to mail to Florida Housing. As the SHIP Rule notes: “SHIP forms AR/02-1(approving) & the AR/02-1 Regulatory Certification must be used. The original certifications must be mailed to the corporation within three working days of the report being electronically sent.”

All reports must be submitted by September 15th, so start now to ensure their timely completion. Many administrators find that these reports require more of their attention than originally expected. Furthermore, the online annual report is a new system and the reporting process may be slower than usual as you become familiar with it.

Each year when the September 15th SHIP Annual Report deadline approaches, the Coalition fields questions on a myriad of report-related topics. This year, the Coalition is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide this assistance through its technical assistance line: 800 677-4548. In addition, a full and updated collection of frequently asked questions about annual reports is available at http://faqannualreports.blogspot.com/.

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