Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The Florida Housing Coalition has updated its SHIP spreadsheet to assist you with tracking FHOP funds. TRAKFHOP is available on the Coalition’s website at this link:
www.flhousing.org/sites/default/files/TRAKFHOP May 2010.xls

TRAKFHOP closely resembles the SHIP tracking spreadsheet, with a summary page and Forms 1, 2 and 3. Throughout the spreadsheet, however, color coded cells indicate where FHOP-specific data is included:
• Most notably, the bottom half of the Summary Page now includes a blue box reporting the amount of FHOP expended funds per income category, including 121-140% AMI and ‘Above 140%’.
• Form 1 contains new columns to track FHOP buyers above the Moderate category and to track the date FHOP is repaid. It also includes a column for reporting the household’s income, as reported on the tax return.
• The “Date of Purchase” has been added alongside ‘Sales Price or Value’ on Form 3.
• Finally, the revenue section of the Summary page distinguishes between FHOP repayments and other types of Program Income.

TRAKFHOP has also been updated to reflect a SHIP change from Senate Bill 360 permitting a jurisdiction to adopt strategies that assist households between 121-140% of the area median income (AMI). The ability to separately track these households has been added for the first three strategies on TRAKFHOP. If a jurisdiction opts to assist households at 121-140% of AMI, these recipients will be considered part of the moderate income category. For this reason, the Summary Page counts the units and assistance expended on households at 121-140% AMI alongside all other Moderate data in columns M and N.

To avoid accidental deletion of formulas, TRAKFHOP is protected. The password to unprotect the spreadsheet remains the same: the word ship in lower case letters. If you have questions about the tracking sheet or have discovered an overlooked formula error, contact Michael Chaney at chaney@flhousing.org.

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