The Florida Housing Coalition offers a new resource to assist SHIP staff. The Coalition’s website now contains a video summary of recent changes to the SHIP Program resulting from Senate Bill 360. Several changes have an impact on your Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). This resource is especially timely considering that almost half of all SHIP jurisdictions are currently updating their LHAPs for a May 2nd, 2010 deadline. Ultimately, each jurisdiction must update its LHAP to some extent in response to these S.B. 360 topics.
There are four main topics to review. Each contains a video from the Coalition’s February 2010 workshop is accompanied by relevant handouts or powerpoint slides.
An Introductory Video about Senate Bill 360 and the new SHIP requirements is available here:
See instructions below if you have difficulty viewing videos.
Green and Innovative Design
Your LHAP must now describe how one or more strategies address green building principles, innovative design, storm-resistant construction, or other elements that reduce long-term costs relating to maintenance, utilities, or insurance.
HANDOUT: Aff Housing Example of FL Green Bldg CERT.pdf
This handout is an example of a home built with affordable housing subsidy that includes features that qualify it for a green housing certification from the Florida Green Building Coalition.
This handout supplements the multifamily housing guidance provided in the video. It is a power power presentation about multifamily weatherization performed by Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) staff in other states.
Special Housing Needs
Your LHAP must also now describe how one or more strategies make affordable residential units available to eligible persons with special housing needs, like homeless people, the elderly, migrant farmworkers, and persons with disabilities.
While it is not an absolute requirement, the Legislature specifically encourages each SHIP jurisdiction to offer housing assistance to one specific special needs population: young adults leaving the foster care system. Contacting your local community-based care agencies providing foster services is often the first step to arranging for housing services for this at-risk population. This handout is a list of contact agencies.
Manufactured Homes
The SHIP definition of “eligible housing” now includes “manufactured housing constructed after June 1994 … for home ownership or rental” although no more than 20 percent of a jurisdiction’s funds may be used for manufactured housing. Each jurisdiction should consider whether or not to provide rehabilitation or purchase assistance for manufactured homes. Any decision on this topic will require updates to your LHAP.
This handout is a sample lien and form to be used when securing SHIP assistance to a manufactured home that is personal property. Background information and guidance is included.
Preservation and Additional Topics
The Legislature encourages each SHIP jurisdiction to develop an LHAP strategy for the preservation of assisted rental housing.
HANDOUT This is a sample strategy for acquisition and rehabilitation of rental housing. Workshop participants reviewed and discussed what they liked about it and what they would improve upon.
VIDEO TroubleshootingTo view these videos, your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which is available for free at Even with this software, in order to initially view a video you may have to press the “full screen view” symbol, which is the symbol 4 outward pointing arrows located on the right side of the control box at the bottom of the video.
There are four main topics to review. Each contains a video from the Coalition’s February 2010 workshop is accompanied by relevant handouts or powerpoint slides.
An Introductory Video about Senate Bill 360 and the new SHIP requirements is available here:
See instructions below if you have difficulty viewing videos.
Green and Innovative Design
Your LHAP must now describe how one or more strategies address green building principles, innovative design, storm-resistant construction, or other elements that reduce long-term costs relating to maintenance, utilities, or insurance.
HANDOUT: Aff Housing Example of FL Green Bldg CERT.pdf
This handout is an example of a home built with affordable housing subsidy that includes features that qualify it for a green housing certification from the Florida Green Building Coalition.
This handout supplements the multifamily housing guidance provided in the video. It is a power power presentation about multifamily weatherization performed by Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) staff in other states.
Special Housing Needs
Your LHAP must also now describe how one or more strategies make affordable residential units available to eligible persons with special housing needs, like homeless people, the elderly, migrant farmworkers, and persons with disabilities.
While it is not an absolute requirement, the Legislature specifically encourages each SHIP jurisdiction to offer housing assistance to one specific special needs population: young adults leaving the foster care system. Contacting your local community-based care agencies providing foster services is often the first step to arranging for housing services for this at-risk population. This handout is a list of contact agencies.
Manufactured Homes
The SHIP definition of “eligible housing” now includes “manufactured housing constructed after June 1994 … for home ownership or rental” although no more than 20 percent of a jurisdiction’s funds may be used for manufactured housing. Each jurisdiction should consider whether or not to provide rehabilitation or purchase assistance for manufactured homes. Any decision on this topic will require updates to your LHAP.
This handout is a sample lien and form to be used when securing SHIP assistance to a manufactured home that is personal property. Background information and guidance is included.
Preservation and Additional Topics
The Legislature encourages each SHIP jurisdiction to develop an LHAP strategy for the preservation of assisted rental housing.
HANDOUT This is a sample strategy for acquisition and rehabilitation of rental housing. Workshop participants reviewed and discussed what they liked about it and what they would improve upon.
VIDEO TroubleshootingTo view these videos, your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which is available for free at Even with this software, in order to initially view a video you may have to press the “full screen view” symbol, which is the symbol 4 outward pointing arrows located on the right side of the control box at the bottom of the video.
1 comment:
I am wondering about what first time home buyer really defined?
I tried to apply locally for down payment assistant(SHIP). My husband bought a house before we were married. The house is foreclosure since he is out of work almost 2 years. My name is not on the mortgage, nor the title of the house. Do I be considered as a first time home buyer?
The local officer say since my husband has a mortgage deed in the public record and I am married to him. Therefore I am not qualified for the SHIP grant??
Called a neighbor county over the phone and asking for the same situation, they say I am qualified for their SHIP grant. Is that possible?
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